BCA General Meeting RECAP notes
March 28, 2018
1) Emergency Preparedness in the Burbank, by Patty Eaton
Patty provided some useful links regarding tools that county provides for emergency readiness.
– AlertSCC – AlertSCC is a free, easy, and confidential way for anyone who lives or works in Santa Clara County to get emergency warnings sent directly to their cell phone, mobile device, email, or landline.
– ReadySCC – ReadySCC helps you create a plan, put together a kit, and know what to do and where to go in an emergency. Please share with family, friends and neighbors. ReadySCC is free from the App Store or Google Play.
– Basic Readiness – Focus on Earthquakes! Simple tips that residents can easily follow:
a) Have a shoes/socks/flashlight by the bed
b) Confirm “secure” sleeping spaces for family and pets – make sure bookcases, etc. are secured so in case of an earthquake, sleeping areas will cause minimal damage from internal debris
c) Family communication plan – document/plan a way for your family to communicate in the case of an emergency.
d) Go Bag – have a bag ready so some basic supplies, important papers and communication devices. This way you can easily grab things in one place in the case of an emergency.
2) SCC District Attorney Update – There were some issues reported regarding parking on the sidewalk/curb area by the Burbank theater. Working with other Country groups, there were some signs installed to help mitigate this issue. There is a Neighborhood Watch meeting in conjunction with the Buena Vista Community Association to be held at the Rose Garden Library at 7pm on April 19th, 2018. Finally, there continues to be progress with addressing illicit massage businesses, one of the challenges has been that the SCC Task Force is authorized for business located on property in the Burbank. For properties located in the City of San Jose (even if they are next to Burbank properties) – the jurisdiction process means that San Jose resources have to address violations.
3) SCC Emergency Communications Overview, by Chris Mercado
SCC Public Orientation (Brief)
Non emergency numbers:
Sheriff’s Office Emergency: 408-299-3233
Sheriff’s Office Non-emergency: 408-299-2311
Medical Emergency (anywhere in Santa Clara County): 408-299-3325
San Jose Police Emergency: 408-277-8911
San Jose Police Non-emergency: 408-277-8900
San Jose Fire Emergency: 408-277-8991
San Jose Fire Non-Emergency: 408-277-8950
San Jose Abandoned Vehicles: 408-277-5305
4) Ken Yeager’s Office Update – There has been progress with updating the blight ordinance for SCC. The County Council is expected to make some long overdue updates to the ordinance that reflect the different communities that make up the County – rural and urban.
5) Burbank Sanitary District – There was a call for interested Burbank residents to reach out to the BSD regarding upcoming openings for the Board of Directors. There was also a flyer/reminder about an upcoming general meeting announcement on April 24th, 7pm at the Rose Garden Library.
6) BCA Business – BCA Board Nominations were made and approved for Henni Kaufmann, Michael Bruce and Spencer Ehler.